Bizzell, Patricia. "Basic Writing and the Issue of Correctness, or, What to Do with Mixed Forms of Academic Discourse." Journal of Basic Writing. 19:1. Boyd Printing Co.: 2000. 4-12.

First phase in "Basic Writing" studies decided that basic writers didn't write SWE correctly.

-Andrea Lunsford's '80 essay "The Content of Basic Writer's Essays" "treats the reliance of basic writers upon personal experience in their arguments as one sign of their arrest at an early stage of Piagetian or Vygotskean cognative development" (4).

Second phase, which Bizzell's own early work falls intoargued that the students weren't dysfunctional, the system was (more or less), and "aimed to initiate students into traditional academic discourse in a way that remained respectful of their home discourses and cognative abilities" (5).

Bizzell '86 "What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?" Writer's difficulties are attributed to "clashes between their home worldviews and the academic worldview" (5).

But, the problem still remains in phase two, that they are seen as having issues of "correctness."

Phase Three:
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